Friday, January 2, 2015


Sorry for the really cheesy title, but-HOLY MOTHER OF MACARONI! Time sure does fly fast. Another 365 days have gone by us once more. 365 days that were responsible for making us more experienced, (hopefully) wiser, and older (duh!). Congratulations dear readers! WE MADE IT! We made it to 2015, guys!!!

Oh who am I kidding, probably the only person reading this  post is my mom….. which brings me to my explanation….: "why I started this blog.” To be honest, never in a bajillion years would I consider starting a blog of my own; however, after i noticed tons of people joining the blogging bandwagon, I decided to give blogging a try. So here i am, writing my first ever blog post on my first ever blog. Woohoo! Hopefully, people will find my swaggy life worth reading and obsess about my uber coolness! Hahahaha kidding! Cheers to  a good new year!

Toodles and have a great 2015!